LeetCode Implement Stack Using Queues
Implement the following operations of a stack using queues.
- push(x) – Push element x onto stack.
- pop() – Removes the element on top of the stack.
- top() – Get the top element.
- empty() – Return whether the stack is empty.
The original problem is here.
The original code is here.
My Solution
I solve this problem in C++, as below:
/*Implement Stack using Queues
*Author: shuaijiang
*Email: zhaoshuaijiang8@gmail.com
class Stack {
queue<int> myQueue;
// Push element x onto stack.
void push(int x) {
// Removes the element on top of the stack.
void pop() {
queue<int> queue2;
int num;
while(myQueue.size() > 1){
num = myQueue.front();
myQueue = queue2;
// Get the top element.
int top() {
return myQueue.back();
// Return whether the stack is empty.
bool empty() {
return myQueue.empty();
For the pop, we need pop all the data to a new queue except the final number.
LeetCode Implement Stack Using Queues