LeetCode Gray Code
The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.
Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number of bits in the code, print the sequence of gray code. A gray code sequence must begin with 0.
For example, given n = 2, return [0,1,3,2]. Its gray code sequence is:
00 - 0
01 - 1
11 - 3
10 - 2
The original problem is here.
The original code is here.
My Solution
I solve this problem in C++, as below:
*Gray Code
*Author: shuaijiang
*Email: zhaoshuaijiang8@gmail.com
using namespace std;
class Solution {
vector<int> grayCode(int n) {
vector<int> result;
return result;
return result;
return result;
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++){
int size = result.size();
int addNum = pow(2,i-1);
for(int j=size-1;j>=0;j--){
int num = result[j] + addNum;
return result;
The Gray Code of n contains two parts: One part is the codes which add 0 to front of all codes of n-1; The other part is the codes which add 1 to front of all codes of n-1 in the reverse order.
For example, when n=2, the Grad code is
00 - 0
01 - 1
11 - 3
10 - 2
So, when n=3, the Gray code is
000 - 0
001 - 1
011 - 3
010 - 2
110 - 6
111 - 7
101 - 5
100 - 4
LeetCode Gray Code